Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Is a 'Surveillance Society inevitable in the age of new media Essay

Is a 'Surveillance Society inevitable in the age of new media - Essay Example others construe to the transformation as a commencement pause from the total political fashions of the past times along with their calamitous results. It is quite significant to comprehend that this sense of moribund courteousness and contribution has established itself concomitantly with the propagation and broadening implementation of the new-fangled information and communication technologies or the ICTs, in particular to the internet as well as the world-wide web. Still, the interaction media are frequently supposed by description to be communal incorporating, thereby, generating a standardized eminent chore which delineates a communal majority (Lievrouw, 2001). This conviction has branched-out to various discourses regarding the internet and online communal groups, along with current experiential analyses. The global internet crops up with the foundation for an unmatched world-wide concord as well as communal justice progress all throughout the period of terrorism, war, and severe political combats. In the same way, the internet has experienced deep-seated alterations all throughout this period. Innovative web-forms have cropped up at the hyper-textual anatomical design of the internet, even as various online mechanisms have evolved from the technological tassel to embellish in to a centralized attribute of routinal life on the World Wide Web. Hence, this paper would analyze the way media has turned constantly political in current times, and how its growth structure has augmented politics in general terms. Critical financial times regrettably appear to bring along an increment in all sorts of offences. No matter which field an individual or commune belongs to, they are always at a stake of some form of

Monday, February 10, 2020

Market Segments and Targets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Market Segments and Targets - Assignment Example Market segments are crucial to business success owing to a number of reasons. An understanding of the market segment one serves helps them to understand the needs and wants of their target market thereby increasing their marketing opportunities. The business is also able to create a solid customer base since the customers realize their value to the firm and appreciate the fact that their needs fit consideration. Segmentation also helps a business focus on the little differences in the market that give them a competitive advantage over their competitors. They are also able to profile their customers and understand the market landscape (Kotler & Keller 2012). In this age of technological advancement, businesses need to stay updated so as to keep up with the upcoming trends in terms of technology. The internet is useful for marketing. It may also be a particularly useful tool for businesses that wish to launch a new product. The global net has made the world a global village, hence very useful in marketing. However, in marketing by use of the internet one ought to take special care and ensure the target market is in mind when choosing the target market. One cannot use the internet to advertise goods to a remote village with no electricity. The market targeted by an entity will have a significant effect on the outlook of its website. When developing a website the business will consider its target market. One cannot design a sophisticated and complex site when targeting the elderly. When dealing with the erratic teens, the site needs to be colorful and fun. An entity will also decide on the content of the site depending on the market.Â